Friday, June 14, 2024

The Other Side

 I'll admit I could always be a bit....

Controlling with the women I chose to

date back when I still considered myself a

man. I chose their outfits, told them who

they could or couldn't talk to, what jobs

they were allowed to work if any, if you

were my girl you were my property but I

never kept as short a leash on them as

Dominic does his shy, obedient little


Dominic was Leslie, my last target's best

friend. They had dated in the past but

decided they weren't compatible as he

was like me and she was more of a free

spirit, he respected her wishes and they

remained friends. I viewed that as a

ridiculous as he had over a foot and 60

pounds of muscle on me and I could still

keep chicks in line. But it eventually

turned to jealousy when he would show

me up at the gym or when Leslie would

call him for help moving something

Instead of me. So I put my foot down and

told her she wasrit allowed to speak to

him anymore

Leslie tried to end things with me right

there, pointing out that the dominance

thing was fun in the bedroom, but shes

going to live her life the way she wants. I

started to make her life Hell, constant

calls, showing up to work, trying to get dirt

on her from her friends. Then Dominic

asked me to talk, I was worried he was

going to just stomp me so I was hesitant,

but eventually I couldrit hide anymore. I

met him at a bar and he laid out a series

of shots as he explained to me he was

going to show me how it feels to be under

the thumb of a dominant man in hopes of

showing me the error of my ways. I

laughed at him, but then things got hazy.

I woke up the next day in his apartment,

his bedroom to be more specific. I was on

a small chair in the corner of his bedroom

with a pair of earbuds in my ears playing

some kind of static. I pulled them out and

stood up to yell at Dominic, who was lying

in just his briefs on his bed, still asleep.

So tall his ankles hung off of the large

bed, his rippling muscles shining from the

sweat held shed due to the heat of the

alcohol. His scent invading my nostrils.

His package on immaculate display-I

mean just on display. The bulge sitting up

several inches from him. I figured it was

big but wow I couldn't take my eyes off of

it. My mouth started to water as

watched it begin to move, as if Dominids

morning wood was greeting me.

"It knows you're staring." He said in his

deep voice, which alerted me to the fact

he was awake and watching me drool

over his manhood. I blushed like a

schoolgirl and tried to leave, he asked if I

wanted to join him and for some reason, I

considered it before rushing to the door.

"See you soon, Daphne" He said. I made it

home and couldn't stop thinking about it

to the point I had to pleasure myself to

the sight of the man and how in control of

the situation he felt, all I could think about

was what would have happened if i


After a few days of the repeated cycle of

trying not to think about it then

succumbing to the urge to think about it,

he asked me to meet him to talk about

what happened. I said yes without even

considering it. It was a restaurant,

something urged me to wear a dress

shirt. I wanted to look nice but nothing

felt nice enough. As I sat down, the first

thing he said was "the man bun looks

ridiculous" and without protest of

argument I let my hair down. I asked him

why I've been feeling this way, he said that

he played me something, a sound file, that

made me want one specific thing. And I

would do anything to get it. I begged him

to be more specific, but he said I'd know it

when I got it.

Things continued like this, he'd make a

suggestion, I'd be compelled to follow. He

didn't have to pressure me. The words

were convincing enough. He said I'd look

cute with glasses, I stopped wearing my

contacts. He said ordering myself wasn't

proper when we met for food, so I let him

decide what I ate. He said my body hair

was unsightly, so I shaved every night. He

said I wasn't maximizing my body's

potential, I took the supplements he

offered without research and focused on

cardio as well as Leg and Butt workouts.

He said I was sneaking off to pleasure

myself too much so I let him put a cage

on me. By the time I realized what he was

trying to turn me into, I was asking Leslie

to help me pick out dresses. But despite

the humiliation of seeing her reaction to

Daphne, it was exciting.

Dominic decided my corporate job was

too time-consuming so I quit, started

working part time as a waitress, and

moved in with him. The proximity and no

time away made denying Daphne

impossible. When I came home from him

picking me up from work, as he made me

sell my car, I found that he had donated all

of my stuff instead of moving it in like

he'd said. He showed me to my new

wardrobe full of women's clothes, as well

as a collar that I'd obediently bow my

head for him to secure around my neck.

He then tied my hands and pushed me to

my knees. He'd never let me act on my

newfound urges so the butterflies in my

stomach were out of control.

Seeing him drop his pants to reveal the

package I'd been dreaming about made

me gasp, moan, and leak from my cage. I

lunged forward and took it's splendor into

my mouth. It tasted magnificent but I also

felt compelled to pay attention to the

pendulous orbs below it. Using my lips,

my tongue, and the deepest recesses of

my mouth I worked him while squirming

in pleasure. As I felt him tense up I knew

my reward was coming and I allowed him

to mark me as his with his seed. "Now

stop" he said. I wanted his cum in my

mouth. No. I needed it. I tried to sit still

but I couldn't help but tongue the thick

rope over my lips, the first time I've ever

disobeyed Dominic. I wanted to pull my

hands free, scoop it all into my mouth,

and swallow. Was his cum the one thing

he made me want?

My pleasure was short-lived as he used a

rag to wipe it away from my face. I

whimpered and cried "Please, Dominic."

but he nonchalantly unbound my hands,

raised me to my feet, and told me I'd have

to be a good girl and tell my family about

us before I could have another reward. I

rose to my feet and pranced to my purse

to pull out my phone and do as Dominic



  1. I have to agree with Jacob. That is SO hot! Oooh. Maybe there can be a sequel where we see the family’s response to hearing about Daphne being Dominic’s obedient sissy girlfriend.

    1. See, I have this weird disorder where whenever I make a caption people want a sequel to, it's with a model I don't know so I don't know how to find more GIFs of them. =/ Thank you though!

  2. A very thorough and complete turning of the tables. Sweet Daphne has so many deliciously humiliating lessons to learn....lucky girl.
