Friday, April 24, 2020

Mixed Signals

Saw this GIF and just had to try something experimental (for me at least!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Taste of Freedom

Didn't realize how ugly the text placement was until this was already being compressed. Really sorry about that... I like this program I use to caption better than the one from the last 3 years though.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Good Feminizer, Bad Feminizer

Hi, everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. This virus thing is crazy, huh? I'm an essential worker so I haven't had any extra free time but I'm scared every time I leave the house so there's that I guess? I also had a death in the family recently (not virus related) and I've been pretty broken up about that. But I've missed you gals so much I had to make a caption (or two maybe, check back tomorrow *wink*).

Got complaints things weren't as forced lately. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction? I'd love to do a sequel to this but I can't find another GIF of the girl. It kind of looks like Ana De Armas, best known for Knives Out and my last caption, but I can't find it in any picture search of her. I think I found this on Tumblr or something, I've wanted to caption it for a while.