Friday, June 21, 2024

Embrace Tradition

 Wayne, now begrudgingly answering to

Whitney was led by her Stepmother

Grace, to the hallway mirror, practically

trembling out of her high heels and

nervous to see the feminine creation that

had been made of Wayne's greasy

unkempt curls. Grace couldn't help but

2notice the split second when Wayne didn't

recognize Whitney in the mirror, fell head

over heels for this mysterious young lady,

then the disbelief as that fragile front of

masculinity crumbling and falling into a

sea of submission. A boy broken and a

girl ready to emerge.

Whitney hadn't been able to look in the

mirror through the waxing, the tweezing,

and the beautifying, though she would be

on the fast-track to learning to do it all

herself soon. She'd been in the heels all

day, along with the waste cincher, the

false breasts, and the lingerie, stockings,

dress, and pearl necklace while preparing

dinner. Grace sat Whitney down to do her

hair after she put the roast in the oven.

Grace gave the girl a moment to take it all

in before reminding her it was time to set

4 places at the table. Whitney's head

swung around, her pearls clacking

together, her big bouncy hair framing her

cute, pouting face. Her first instinct was

to ask if her Dad came back, Grace shook

her head and informed her that he was

still long gone, and that Whitney would be

treating the housekeeper, Catalina, and

her son, Carlos, to dinner as an apology

for Wayne's behavior.

Wayne had inherited his Father's habit of

looking down on women, minorities,

people of lower social status, but he

lacked his Father's charisma and charm

Spending his days since graduating high

school, minimizing multiple blank college

applications on his computer to jump

onto forums and spout incel nonsense

and take out his frustrations on the

women in his life. Especially since his

Father packed up and left.

His Father shared all of Wayne's views on

women staying in the kitchen, being seen

not heard, and deferring to her man. But

he kept this all quiet until Grace brought

of Wayne's attitude, so when faced with

an ultimatum, knowing Wayne was an

adult now he dropped everything and

found another wealthy single woman to

shack up with good riddance Grace

thought. But even as Whitney, she held

out hope that he would save her. Poor girl.

Under threat of being kicked out and cut

off, this scrawny, anxious "man's man"

folded faster than Superman on laundry

day. Doing chores around the house,

showing manners, avoiding the websites

where he spewed his ignorance, Grace

appreciated Wayne's efforts and set him.

up with Sadie, the daughter of one of her

friends, this unfortunately fell on the

same day that Catalina brought Carlos to

do some landscaping work, the young

woman was much more taken by the kind,

hard-working young man over the

stubborn one that kept asking her to join

him upstairs with all the subtlety of an

After School Special.

When Wayne felt jealous, he exploded and

called Carlos every unkind name in the

book, called Sadie a tease in so many

words, told Catalina to mind her business

and keep to her chores, and told Grace

that she was too lazy to even do a

woman's work and hired Catalina to do

them. Grace took Wayne over her knee

and spanked him in front of everyone and

told him things were gonna change.

Wayne sobbed in his room as Carlos and

Sadie got to know each other and Grace

detailed her plans for Whitney to Catalina

and she was overjoyed. The

brainstorming session involved Whitney

wearing a french maid costume and

accompanying Catalina to the other

homes where she works and learning how

a woman keeps house, but one thing at a


"Oh" Whitney squeaked in the girly voice.

And put in an inhuman effort to force her

pout into a smile "wonderful!" as she set

the table for their guests. Grace followed

and corrected her as she tried to set the


"Make sure you make a good impression

on Carlos tonight, otherwise the rest of

the evening will be quite awkward if you

give your gentleman guest a poor


"Yes, Mother." Whitney whimpered, not

wanting anymore information.

"By the way you'll have to make sure to

send Sadie a thank you for lending out her

boyfriend tonight so you can see how a

gentleman is supposed to treat a lady"

Whitney tried to speak but her voice was

uneasy. "Oh, don't worry dear, it's just a

first date, a lady doesn't have to do

anything on a first date, despite what your

bad influence online friends tell you." She

informed her that after dinner Carlos

would take her to the carnival and she

was to be a demure lady the whole time.

Whitney nodded.

"Ok, Mother."

"And he's excited to finally be able to have

his own vehicle. I gifted him your old

rustbucket, he complimented your taste in

stereo." Whitney threw her hands into the

air. "Calm down, Whitney, I remember all

of Wayne's comments about women

drivers, since you're a girl now, we

wouldn't want you to get into an accident.

Carlos actually thanked me more in the

first 10 minutes after I handed him the

keys than Wayne ever did in all the years I

knew him. But don't worry he and Sadie

have both offered to give you rides to

salon appointments or to go shopping, or

all of the gender affirmation

appointments you'll have coming up as

long as you ask nicely and behave

yourself. And you'll have a chance to ear

a bit of your own money since Catalina

said she'd be happy to take you on as her

assistant so you can learn more about a

woman's place in the world. I think you'll

make THE most adorable maid."

This was it. Whitney's breaking point,

there was no way she could push her into

going on a date with that meathead jerk

Carlos, be a gal pal to that teasing bitch

Sadie, take orders from Catalina, and no

way she would be Grace's Daughter. She

stomped forward, prepared to go on

another rant, then remembered the

spanking, her lip began to tremble, the

tears welled up in her eyes "I... Thank you,


"Good girl. Now go to the powder room,

calm yourself, and touch up your make-up

before our guests arrive. That's what we

ladies call freshening up" Grace teased

with a wink.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! I thought Catalina would end up being Wayne’s dad as a way of showing Whitney that she can NEVER return to being Wayne.

    Whitney and Carlos are going to make a LOVELY couple at the carnival. Carlos might even dump Sadie to pursue Whitney.

    And is it me or is the letters as you type your comment darker than before?
