Thursday, January 16, 2025

Cure for Writer's Block

 For everyone who has patiently (and one or two that haven't been very patient =P) next week will be SHEZAM! Part 13. 

From the looks of it, you probably wouldn't be able to tell that my name is Ronald Watson, a fresh-from-college English teacher in a rural middle school and struggling writer. But that's on purpose, as my latest writing gig, ghostwriting a young adult romance novel for a popular author has the potential to solve my problems. I've always been all or nothing as a writer, a paper in college that I wrote about fishing boats resulted in me tagging along on several vessels, whereas everyone else just paraphrased some things from books. So when my agent offered me this opportunity, I thought it would be relaxing and an easy almost-6 figure payment with the promise of more. No. The perfectionist in me wouldn't let that be.

I had to get into the head of a 20-something woman visiting the city and see what her life was like. Ms. Edmond, one of my colleagues and object of my affection was happy to help. It wasn't until the hair extensions were attached and my roots were dyed that she looked me in the professionally made-up face and told me she was so relieved I asked for her help because she thought I had a crush in her and her husband was ready to kick my ass. But a gay bestie would be the best case all around. I thought to argue, but I'm self-aware enough to know that any argument I could make wouldn't hold much weight while I'm wearing a bra, waste cincher, panties, stockings, heels, a skirt, and a blouse I borrowed from her so that I could spend my Winter break in the city seeing what it's like to date men. I smiled and nodded. So much for that one.

The log line called for a shy girl new to the city, so Kylie, my character, would spend the first bit of her time looking approachable but nervous in coffee shops and book stores, so I at least had the comfort there. However, when Ronald did these things, nobody would bother him. When Kylie did these things, I could feel several pairs of eyes glued directly to me and before I knew it, I had a date, uneventful, just a stroll, a phone number, and a hug that I logged in my journal. 

But this wouldn't exactly be a book up to my standards if I did one bit of research and let it be. So I accepted more dates with more guys and noted in my journal my experiences. Some younger, some older, some I would dress modestly, some I would dress provocatively, some I would be playful and giggly, some I would be sarcastic and sassy, some I would let know I was seeing other men, some I would let think I only had eyes for them, some I would make out with, some I would give a quick smooch. It was hard to keep track of everything but I managed. I felt I was in over my head the other night when I filled in my journal, but instead of sitting at my desk, I was lying on my stomach on my bed kicking my kneesocks like I were writing a diary. 

I felt I'd gone as far as I could with the dating aspect, and I still had a few days left. I couldn't trust any of these straight guys to find out that I too am a straight guy, so I'd have to extrapolate my past encounters with women and a less personal sexual act with a man. So I looked through my diary to figure out which of my boyfriends I wanted to give a blowjob. The love interest in my book is supposed to be an up-and-coming ad agent, so I went through my rich boyfriends and they were all at least twice Kylie's age. So I checked the business school guys I'd been with and Julian matched the description, plus Shawn, his coworker and another fling of mine, fit the third piece of the love triangle so... It would be irresponsible not to blow them both. 

I told one I was working late and the other I had to be home early. Shawn was cocky, as soon as I suggested the idea, he paid the check for dinner and I was on my knees in the bathroom stall, feeling his hands in my hair, whispering words of encouragement to inspire me to deep throat him enough to let my chin meet his balls. Julian, on the other hand, lit candles at his place and put on music. He made me feel like this blowjob was as pleasurable for me as it was for him. He even kissed me after I swallowed. Which was sweet and all, but uh... Kinda gay. 

I logged it in my diary when I got back and the next day I put on my last outfit. The attendant gave me two sets of flowers sent by Julian and Shawn, a nice gesture. I roamed the book selection outside of the store as I waited for my ride when both men came running in a last ditch effort to stop me from leaving. I guess life does imitate art. I tried to mediate the two combating friends until my ride showed up and I escaped back home where I stripped of the feminine constraints that had been holding me and sat down to write my book. But I found it easier to put the clothes back on and look through the pictures and texts on my phone while doing so, I finished the book faster than I ever have. Such a simple genre, the manuscript was on its way to the publisher.

They returned it with a rejection letter that pointed out this was supposed to be a young adult romance book where the ending moment that everything builds to is a kiss, but I spent a chapter and a half describing the rival's cock in a restaurant bathroom. But they're right, Kylie and this book were never a good fit. She could star in her own book independent of those silly labels. But since it's not a young adult novel anymore, it doesn't have to be so short. Kylie opened her phone to see if there were any hotel rooms still available in the city. 


  1. There's a market for books like that, and romance is booming right now, so Kylie's got a shot at an even better deal!

    1. Kylie is going to be become the famous author while Ronald will be left to obscurity. And even if Kylie didn’t become a famous author, Ronald would still fade away as Kylie gets more “experience.”

  2. Love, love, love this one, Syd! Great work again! <2
