Sunday, August 25, 2024

Math Teacher


Here's a special cap! NiceGent42 has a new story that just released and they reached out, asking if I'd like to do a caption inspired by it and I thought it sounded like a good time. I had a chance to check out the story and kept the "teacher becomes a student" and "language barrier" themes and changed around some motivations, names, and character relationships so if you enjoy this, you can hop over to NiceGent's story and enjoy a similar concept without any of it spoiled! Or if you don't enjoy this caption, you can hop over to the other story and see the concept done by a better writer. 😉

I'm never drinking again. Technically, it would be illegal for me to do so now, but even if I could, I'm never touching the stuff again as it led me here, wearing a girl's uniform on a school trip while answering to the name Lucia. My real name is Jason, and I was meant to be starting a job as the new Math teacher for this school after I finished chaperoning the trip. But due to way too much booze, a far too cocky attitude, and an angry ex-turned-coworker-turned-older-Sister, I was pretending to be the new girl while the staff grew more and more irritated that Jason was gone.

Since I didn't have a class to teach until after the trip, I didn't have to report for duty until the kids actually made it to the hotel, so I arrived the night before and decided to hit the bar. That's where I ran into Mariana, an old flame I hadn't spoken to in years. I held a grudge against her for leaving me, she always made up some stuff like I was "arrogant," "pretentious," "insecure," or said I "had an inferiority complex." She was making up excuses to leave me because I was never a very tall or muscular guy. I'm way too smart to believe that nonsense. She told me that she was here for the school trip, she recently took a job as the drama teacher for the same school. I tried to let bygones be bygones and ordered her a drink while I explained that I would be teaching Math, the subject she taught when the two of us were together. But I sent some... distasteful e-mails while I was intoxicated and hurt over her leaving me that included some half-truths and some not-at-all truths that got her blacklisted from public schools in our state. But she's here at a private school, so it worked out for her. Though she did mentioned she was hired as the Math teacher until someone with a much beefier work history came in and stole it out from under her, relegating her to the drama class. Whoops.

As the night continued, things grew a bit hazy but I remember following her to her room and noticing how much less stumbly she was compared to me. But after we got to the door of her hotel room, I remember nothing until waking up in her bed with a dry mouth and a pair of frilly purple panties and a girls' croptop with the school logo on, this instantly upset me, Mariana had always teased me about my height, my small frame, and my soft voice. Was she trying to get back at me? I stood up, pounding headache while looking for my clothes, I couldn't find them, but I did find Mariana waiting for me to say that she hadn't seen any of my stuff either. I needed to get downstairs and get a key to my hotel room, I could worry about the ID and cash in my wallet later. 

Mariana said she didn't pack any male clothes, why would she? So she offered to doll me up and so I'd look less suspicious. I accused her of planning this. She said if she had actually planned this, she would have taken compromising photos of me wearing the logo of my employer to blackmail me with and, well, she did plan this and she did do that. I didn't have much of a leg to stand on, so I let her. She did her thing to make my curly hair sit down to my shoulders, applied the make-up appropriate for a 17-year-old girl before strapping me into a bra and inserting breast forms into the cups and helping me into a girl's uniform that just happened to be in her closet and just happened to be my size. The blouse was a bit snug on my heavy chest. The knee socks on my shaved legs felt strange. The slightly heel in my shoes was hard to manage, but made feel a little taller. The skirt was a constant source of worry, but it hid the bulge in my panties. So I added the cardigan and was taken to the mirror where Mariana introduced me to Lucia. 

After hitting an invisible wall in the doorway, Mariana eased me out. There I was, out in the open, dressed like a teenage girl so I could get the key to my room and change out of this. We got to the desk and I tried to speak in a soft voice, but nothing would come out. Mariana said "Lucia doesn't speak much English. We're here for a school trip and Jason Rivera, one of my coworkers isn't answering his phone. Could we get a key to the room please?"

The cute young woman behind the desk nodded at me with a patronizing facial expression. Like I was some idiot kid wasting her time. It's better than the look of disdain she gave me when I hit on her the day before I suppose. But then she clicked away on her keyboard, saying that Jason Rivera checked out already, but he left his bag which was in their lost & found. However, they'd need Jason's ID to give it to us, otherwise it would he shipped to Jason's billing address. I wanted to cry, I slumped in a lobby chair with my legs spread wide open. Drawing the attention of several men much too old for a girl my age as Mariana laughed and pushed my knees together. It was uncomfortable, so I crossed my legs, which was more uncomfortable but I didn't want to fidget and draw more attention so I sat still. 

I stated at the carpet trying to regain my composure before I heard a flood of footsteps followed by "who is that?" "Wait is there a new girl?" "I think her skirt is too short for the dress code." I looked up to see all of my would-be students and the principal, my new boss, Mr. Lockwood. He looked to Mariana, nodded toward me and walked over before crouching in front of me. Does he recognize me? Everything is over. He knows.

"Hello, young lady, you must be Lucia, I'm Principal Lockwood." He said in a slow, condescending tone before looking at Mariana, "I got your text about your little Sister not speaking English, so I spoke with Edward, he's fluent in both languages so we'll have them partnered up for the trip." I couldn't think of anything to say or do that wouldn't make my situation worse so I just stared blankly until Mariana repeated everything he said to me in Spanish. When we were dating, speaking Spanish was kind of our thing, we never really had the chance to do it with anyone else. I forced a smile and nodded as a young man approached and helped me out of my chair before kissing my hand. He said he was sorry about My Mother getting sick, which I chalked up to his being bad at Spanish.

But then Principal Lockwood thanked Mariana for volunteering last minute after Jason backed out, but that accommodating her baby Sister in her tough times wouldn't be a problem. She planned this whole thing out. She wasn't even supposed to be here until this morning. No wonder she had a uniform in my size. She must have been on my phone after I passed out. Checking me out of my room, texting Lockwood about my not showing up... She made me a teenage girl! I stared daggers at her until I realized Edward still had my hand and was rambling about how excited he was to see the play we were on this trip to see. I nodded politely trying to pry my hand from his grip. Lockwood told him to act like he had seen a pretty young lady before. That was inappropriate. 

We were all corralled onto the bus, I tried to sit next to Mariana, but she reminded me that students sit in the back and I had to sit next to Edward who continued to show off his Spanish, the pronunciation was off, but he was decent at it. All I could focus on, however was the chatter amongst the other girls in the class calling me a slut, and talking about how the new girl is already huddled up with a boy. I started to answer his questions in a higher, daintier voice than my regular one to drown them out. I felt myself slipping more into character, it made it easier to pretend I couldn't hear their mean-spirited comments. 

When we arrived Edward climbed over me and held his hand out to assist me up like a gentleman, I'd think it would be more gentlemanly to not climb over me so the only thing between my face and your junk is your school-issue khakis but maybe I'm old-fashioned. After helping me up, he didn't let go of my hand, treating me like I needed to be guided. I'm a non-English speaker, not a toddler. Walking down the steps I could feel the breast forms jiggling and I hoped that nobody saw them jiggling, a quick glance around confirmed that they had and were waiting for more. I started to feel the scale of this whole thing and I gripped Edward's hand tighter, he took it as a signal to pull me closer. I followed him inside as a girl gave me the evil eye, Edward informed me in Spanish that was his jealous old girlfriend Emma, he dumped her because she wouldn't stop bullying every girl she was jealous of, but she was basically harmless. 

The play was interesting, but I had to put up with Edward repeating everything they said back to me in Spanish. All I could think about was the weight on my chest, the sensation of the smooth skin and kneesocks rubbing together as I bounced my crossed legs, and the fact that Edward was trying once more to hold my hand. I turned in my seat to search for Mariana who was already staring at me, waving, and recording with her phone. Whether she was recording me or the play was a toss-up, but I had a feeling it was me. When I turned back around Edward's face was inches from mine. I had to ease him away, and remind him that we just met. Teenagers are such idiots. 

While we were walking out I had to sneak to the restroom. Mariana followed and complimented how well I was filling the role and that I should consider the drama class. I started to argue back but Emma walked in, so I had to switch back to Spanish. We argued back and forth about her planning this whole thing. But she had no issues with what she did to me, she said this was payback for my attitude and the way I treated women. I lost the will to argue as I felt tears well up, Mariana hugged me, the height difference between us now more apparent that I'm in chunk heels and she's still taller than me. I needed a drink, but that wasn't happening, Mariana left the bathroom and I followed. As I exited the door I felt something yank at my skirt as I turned to see Emma pinning it in the door and slamming it, yanking my skirt off. I quickly covered the tell-tale sign in my panties before I could be noticed. I turned and the door was locked. My skirt was stuck as people began to notice the teenage girl in her underwear. Edward ran over and removed his cardigan to cover me up. The door opened and Emma came out "Oh my gosh, Lucia. You really need to watch out for that bubble butt of yours when you're leaving a room." This bitch. 

We made a stop at a restaurant for lunch but Mariana handed Eddie her debit card and asked if I could help her pick out some outfits, as my luggage had been lost on the flight over. He agreed. He led me to the clothing store in the same shopping center, I was still wearing his cardigan wrapped around my waist as my skirt was torn beyond repair. I sheepishly browsed the clothes, I said I was hot and removed my cardigan as an excuse to look at the tag, I had no idea what size I was. I got some jeans, which Edward insisted I model for him. I got some skirts, which Edward insisted I model for him. I got some new shoes, flats this time. I got a casual dress, which Edward insisted I model for him. I got some new bras and panties, which Edward thankfully didn't insist I model for him. I didn't think I'd need this many changes of clothes for a two day trip, but hey, Mariana's paying and draining her bank account would be fun. I put the school-appropriate skirt back on and watched Edward swipe Mariana's card. 

As we were walking back, he worked up the courage to ask me out. I reminded him I was just here because my Mom was sick and I wouldn't be staying. He asked for my number. I told him my Mom doesn't let me have a phone. He wrote his number down and gave it to me, I stuffed it into my pocket and we returned to the restaurant. After we ate, we piled back into the bus and returned to the hotel. We were visiting a museum the next day so I tried to mentally prepare myself for Edward to read every single sign to me, to repeat every single bad joke the tour guide makes, and for Mariana to document it all. I tried to make an excuse as to why I had to go back to my room and not be around him anymore, but Lockwood came to interrupt us.

"Well, Lucia. Good news." He said. Then looking to Edward to translate. "I spoke with your Sister and she provided the proper documentation and your enrollment is complete. We're very happy you've decided to stay with us." Edward burst with excitement and wrapped his arms around me, I could feel him getting hard against my stomach and I had to use all of his strength to pry him off me. Lockwood leaned in and gave me a kiss on each side of my face. That was inappropriate. "Though I'm sure none of us is quite as happy as Edward here. He seems to have taken quite a shine to you, so we arranged your schedules together so he could help you until your English gets to an acceptable level." This was embarrassing. I had to wait for Edward to translate to react, I couldn't even force a smile but he still seemed happy as a clam. 

As Lockwood walked away, he turned back, "Oh, and your Sister mentioned that you were interested in the drama class. We'll have a substitute filling in for the foreseeable future, as the Math teacher we had lined up just resigned and she accepted the position." 


  1. Excellent story and sure wish there would be a follow up! Zoe
