Friday, August 23, 2024

Hell Week pt. 1


A new idea for a multi-part caption I had. If you gals like it enough I'll keep going once SHEZAM! wraps up and whatever Halloween captions (still open to GIF or story suggestions for those!) I make this year. So let me know if you want more!  😀 

When the rival football team offered up the wager for the big game, I was excited. A member of the team that torments me day in and day out having to go to the other school posing as a girl for a week? Hilarious. Plus, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that we would lose, Lincoln High wiped the floor with us every season. But when it came time to nominate a team member, they all of a sudden wanted to consider the equipment manager as part of the team. Where was that attitude when I was locked out of the room for all of the yearbook photos? It's not like I even wanted to be involved, but my step-dad was insistent I get involved in a sport. So now I'm stuck with the responsibility and he's still on my back about not being manly enough. Now I have to explain to him that I have to wear a skirt and heels all week? 

My plan was to just get dressed at the school and get it over with, but it turns out this was much more intricate than they'd planned. A few teachers who were very invested in the sports goings-on at both schools agreed to help facilitate the bet. I would attend all of our their classes for the week and the ones back at my actual school would mark me present and give me perfect grades for the week. They also arranged for the cosmetology class at Lincoln to give me an appearance that I wouldn't be able to hide. Not only did I have to spend the weekend at Lincoln with the girls earning extra credit turning me from Wayne into Amanda, but they revealed since I was going to be sharing gym classes, locker rooms, and bathrooms with the girls, the female staff was concerned and needed assurances that I wouldn't attempt anything. Not that I would, I'd never done anything with a girl. But I was still handed a small metal cage with an instructional video. In order to prevent an unsightly bulge, I had to use an ice cube to shrink it as much as possible, practically inside of me, before locking it into place. It was absurdly uncomfortable, but the girls offering (threatening rather) to come in and help was enough motivation to do it myself. 

They told me to shave any body hair, but despite being legally an adult, I had none to speak of, but I gladly accepted praise from the girls for following instructions as I stripped to my boxers and then was told to lose them as well. They must have seen how red I turned, since they all agreed to leave besides Sarah, who I always sort of had a crush on when I saw her at our games. She was artistic, kind of nerdy, and unique. But she was dating Marlon, one of the players for Lincoln's team. But here I was with her, naked. She taught me how to hook a bra, after asking if I'd ever taken one off of a girl. I lied, quite obviously. She showed me how to pull stockings up my legs, and showed me how to walk in the chunk-heeled boots I'd be wearing all week. I was excited about how proud she was until she told me none of the girls had shoes that would fit me, so she had to borrow those from her younger Sister. I was scared to ask how much younger.

After my alone time with Sarah I was thrown right back to the sharks. I sat silently with my hands on my lap as they argued over what kind of girl I was going to be. They said I looked to churchy to be a punk chick. Too naive to be a slut. Not fit enough to be a sports girl. Not well-spoken enough to be a nerd. They all began to whisper. I watched intently, but then my eyes wandered and the cage started to hurt, so I looked away. They broke their huddle apart and Mia, the star cosmetology student put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Amanda, I think we've found our new girl next door."

They moved in a whirlwind. I didn't have time to protest as they started to snip and play with my hair and spread some goop on it. I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror as they changed the person I'd see in it. Sarah came in with a duffle bag full of clothes. They told me Sarah volunteered to host me, so I wouldn't have to worry about my step-dad at least. Maybe he'd let up if I told him I was hanging with a girl all week. They stood me up, then walked me to the mirror and I was shocked. My hair was cute... and blonde!? My face was made up like a princess. I was wearing a tasteful sweater and pleated skirt combo, the bra gave the illusion of a small, budding chest. My legs looked nice in the stockings, with the small heels on the boots making them appear a bit more shapely. 

I asked what I should do about my voice. They told me it wouldn't be a problem. Which was unnecessary and hurtful. But they declared their job done and I got to walk home with Sarah. She coached me on walking like a girl all the way there. I had it down. She introduced me to her parents as her friend Amanda who was staying over while her parents were on vacation. I was greeted warmly, while her little Sister complimented my boots. I called my step-dad to tell him I wouldn't be home because I was with a girl. I expected praise but just got a "don't fuck it up." 

Sarah lent me a nightgown. But told me it was a little skimpier than what the other girls had planned for my "girl next door" aesthetic and I'd have to keep it a secret. I spent Sunday practicing and got to go to dinner with her family dressed in jeans and an Olivia Rodrigo shirt, she was hot but I'm not sure I could name a song. I'm sure that would change by the end of the week. My family never had the money to go out, especially with an extra guest, so it really did feel like I was a different person. As I expected we stayed up a little late in our nightgowns as she gave me a crash course in all things modern girl, listening to pop music, teaching me slang, showing me which guys are hot and which guys are problematic. The only name I recognized was Pedro Pascal so I'm just gonna say he's my favorite. 

Monday morning I had to go straight to the office to get my schedule, I felt kind of cute in my sweater and skirt, I'd started to develop a habit of rubbing my fabric-encased knees together while standing. It was satisfying. But after that I walked into the hallway and was instantly overwhelmed by the sea of students. Who knew who I was? Who knew what I was? I was nervously greeting everyone. Their wandering eyes were off-putting, but I thought continuing to smile was my best option. Until one started to smile back "Oh! I've seen pictures of you. Better believe we're talking later." I had no idea what he meant, but I spotted Sarah and was more relieved than I'd ever been, my emotional support human. 

She informed me that the guy who greeted me was Tariq, and he apparently suggested the wager that had me standing here in this skirt. She says they found some things on his phone that led them to believe this was much more than a joke to him. Sarah also informed me that Marlon was supportive of his best friend and was insisting that Sarah set up a double date. I told her that I wasn't into guys, that was ridiculous. She nodded, then asked if I could just do her the favor, since she helped me out so much so far. She also suggested that she'd make it worth my while. She stuck her chest out and bit her lip. That was enough to convince me. At least in the moment. I spent the rest of the day with my legs crossed at my desk, ignoring the strange looks and focusing on the fact I agreed to go on a date with some dude named Tariq. 

As we walked home at the end of the day, Sarah pitched ideas for dates. I mumbled that I'd never been on one. Sarah apologized that she didn't realize she was forcing me to go out with a guy for my FIRST date. The date wasn't until Thursday so we had time to prepare. "And time to play" Sarah said with a wink. 


  1. Hell? Sounds like heaven to me!! Great job, as always Sydney!!

  2. Amanda’s first ever date will be with Tariq. Love it!

  3. Is it possible they made him too cute? I bet he has a lot more friends by the end of the week. I hope he does not get too pressured on the date. What ever will he wear?
