Friday, July 19, 2024


 Another attempt at the new method, tried a few things differently. Let me know how it looks. Also, a little proud I gave a double meaning to "RBF"

I walked out, swinging my hips and clicking my heels to greet my Aunt, I smoothed my skirt and sat obediently on the couch across from her in the den. I crossed my legs despite the dull pain it applied to my shrunken and now-useless member. The weight of the budding breasts from the hormone treatments I'd agreed to and my long, styled hair were a constant reminder of how much I'd changed since getting here. The make-up on my face I put so much time into practicing that I could do it in my sleep was a skill I wasn't proud to possess. I cleared my throat, making sure i was going to hit my girly voice properly and said "what do you think, Mother?"

Obviously, she was my Aunt, not my Mother. And not by blood, she married my rich, aging Uncle for his money. The same Uncle who was my insurance policy if things didn't work out for me in life. Unfortunately, I heard through the grapevine that she had come along and now everything was going to her. I came back to get on his good side, but he was all but checked out and I was at the mercy of Ellie, who was only 15 years older than me but a handful of decades younger than him.

At first she wrote me off, but I was desperate and was willing to fight her on this. But I couldn't afford a lawyer and had very few cards to play. So when she said she'd put me back in his will if I played along with this little scenario of hers, I agreed and was bombarded with contracts. She said she feared the time had passed, though she always wanted a child of her own, and if it was one related to her husband, all the better. I agreed, not realizing that the contracts all specifically called for a Daughter, not a son.

After that it was off to the court house where my name was changed to Elizabeth. Yes, I was now named after Ellie. My crash coarse in femininity began for the next few months and before long, here I sat before her. A makeshift Daughter.

"You look wonderful, Elizabeth. I think we'll both be very happy with this arrangement. I'll have the Daughter I've always wanted and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

"I do put a lot of work into looking this..."

"Oh, nonsense, that's not work. You have to do some cardio, squats, and paint your face up to live in the lap of luxury. Don't let any of our gentleman callers know, but it's a simple price to pay."

"Good point, Mother." I attempted to smile but the disdain on my face felt very clear. I knew better than to try and reason with her about the whole not-into-men thing, lest I be taken over her knee again.

"That, my dear, is also something I want to point out. You have what they call 'Resting Bitch Face,' everything you say and do looks it's against your will." No shit.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I'll work on it."

"Nonsense! You're the spoiled brat Daughter of a wealthy socialite, it's only natural you'd be a bit of a bitch. The men will love it. I can't wait to show you off."

"Shall we celebrate with a drink?" Because God damn I need one.

"Sweetheart, I really need you to get smarter and learn your way around a contract if you're going to take up my stilettos and bag your own man."

I stifled a sigh "whatever do you mean?"

"You're not 24 anymore. Mark was 24. You're 18."

"Can you... Can you actually legally change my age?"

"I'm rich, Princess. I can do anything legally. Now, our driver is here and we have shopping to do. He's quite handsome and around your age, I think I'll keep him around for you."

I didn't have any words. I could only smile and nod, though it was a bit of a relief to let my "resting bitch face" do it's thing. I followed my new Mother outside. A tall, muscular guy in a suit waited by the car, he couldn't have been older than 20. But he was dressed very nicely, and opened the door of the limo for us. He kissed my hand before I got in.

"You know, I've had the most wonderful idea!" Ellie chimed in, addressing the driver. "We're going to be shopping today, lots of outfits, lots of shoes, lots of jewelery. You know, girly girl things. But what's say you help sweet little Elizabeth out and let her model some for you, help her see what a real man would appreciate?"

"Whatever you need, ma'am. It would be my pleasure." He said before stealing a glance at my legs then making eye contact, I met his gaze with my plastered-on glare, he responded by smiling and licking his lips before closing the door. I got chills up my spine, is this how men were going to look at me? What does Ellie expect me to do with this guy? Why was she so right about men liking the resting bitch face? My reluctance being a turn-on to these guys was going to make things much harder... I didn't mean like that.

"Don't worry, dear. I'm not going to make you marry a driver. He's just someone we can keep close, get you some practice to reel in a real big fish. So, anything you were imagining these gold digging little bimbos doing to you once you had my Husband's money, make sure you let him help you get the hang of." 


  1. Need a part two! zoe

    1. That's possible! I have a lot of GIFs from that same movie, which isn't the case for most captions that have sequel requests, so if I come up with a good idea, for sure.

  2. I could point out a driver or pool boy might be useful if you marry a much older man..... Driver may not just be for you, Elizabeth...

    1. I never see rich people swim. Pool guys are the only reason they have pools I think.

  3. Been loving the caps. Wondering if Shezam is gonna continue

    1. It is! People just seemed a little burned out in it at the time and I had to figure out a new way to make captions. But I have the rest of the story planned in my little notebook and all of the templates ready. I'm thinking a little later in the Summer, maybe with a break for Halloween caps in-between if all goes as planned. Thank you. =)

    2. Great to hear! Thanks
