Saturday, February 10, 2024

SHEZAM! pt. 5

 The next 2 segments after this are a bit of Billy's emotional journey, still not sure how long it's gonna end up but I'm definitely covering the 3 days away from Kahndaq. 


  1. Awkward! But can't wait to see more of Billy's journey!

  2. Hope they go dress shopping!

  3. “Red Cheesecake.” NICE.

    Heh. More changes to Billy’s identity.

    And mom will prove a great sounding board. Especially when mom notices that Billy’s identity is changing. What with Billy noticing Kahndaq’s women’s fashions and that Billy doesn’t seem to have a crush on Bethany Snow anymore. Mom might even agree that Black Adam is pretty hot when they’re doing their girl’s day. Mom might even give sex tips. Billy is now sexually active AND is going to be a bride soon. Billy obviously has at least one talent but might need more guidance.

  4. Thinking up "Big Red Cheesecake" is 89% of the reason I did sequels to the first caption.
