Thursday, November 2, 2023

Quick Message.

 Hey, girls. I took down the Successful Fundraiser post from last week because it apparently warranted my entire DeviantArt being permanently banned. The caption didn't even have anything risqué in it, so I'm not sure why I had to lose everything without warning. But I've had that account since I was a teenager, I learned a lot from there and had so many friends and captions and art I loved in the Favorites folder so I'm just really upset about it and sorry I had to take the caption down, between that and my Tumblr getting toasted a year ago, I don't wanna lose this site too. 




  1. deviantart has been getting really weird about captions lately. Don't let it get you down.

  2. What was the Successful Fundraiser cap about? I don’t remember that one.

    1. It was the Pokimane one I posted for Halloween about a class raising the most money in a fundraiser to choose their creative writing teacher's Halloween costume and make him a schoolgirl, I had ideas for sequels too.

    2. That’s a shame; it was a really nice caption. What were your sequel ideas?

  3. We hope you dont lose this site. OMG

  4. Oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that ;-;

  5. When are you coming back?

  6. So sorry to read of your problems. Things have been getting weird all around. I hope it works out for the best for you.
