Friday, February 28, 2025

A Pair of Your Own pt. 2

 Well, this one was asked for enough that I felt I had to do it. I usually get very bugged making sequels with different models and I have no idea who the model in the original is, but I figured enough people liked this concept. So pretend they're the same person and enjoy  😀 



Saturday, February 15, 2025

Hawkeye Vs. Hot Guy, pt. 2

 Well, we have a winner. I was just going to make a post simply announcing the winner of the sequel poll to give myself some time to work on it. But I was looking for images to use, saw this, and the story kind of came out immediately. So here it is! 

There's a LookALike caption with Hailee coming up, so I thought it would be weird to have two captions about someone who looks a lot like Hailee Steinfeld without acknowledging it. So this is Lookalike adjacent now, and that caption will be Jocelyn's cousin! 

But, I felt like the competition was close enough that I thought 63 Jump Street deserved some love too, so that will be getting a sequel soon too. Thank you to everyone who voted! It's fun to get feedback and I can't guarantee the other captions will get sequels, but I'll keep them in mind now that I know what there's a demand for! Personally, I threw a vote to RBF when the poll went up and that ended up last place. 😶

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Faithful Sidechick

 This is a little one-shot spin-off idea I had for SHEZAM! Showing what happens to the Boy Wonder, and it's Valentine's themed so it's going up a bit before the installment where Billie meets Harley Quinn, so... Spoilers? It's a brief meeting but I thought it would be fun to see how other characters would react to someone changing gender. 

Notice how I said "characters" plural? Weird. 

Wonder who else from the story could possibly have the idea to change someone... any guesses? They've been in the story before, but not as a major role, however they will be helping out Billie and Carter in a couple chapters. Also if any of the incorrect guesses inspire something they'll be retconned into correct guesses. =P

I don't have plans to show more adventures with Lovebug, but this cosplayer does this character a lot so... Maybe. 

Also the sequel poll closes Friday! I'm posting this caption a little early so people have a chance to see it before I announce the winners on Saturday, though the frontrunner seems very clear at this point. Then we'll get the new caption in the next week or two. I have about 8 or 9 other captions including the SHEZAM installments up through #17 (but I have 18 and 19 written out in my lil' notebook and just need to make the captions themselves) ready to share, I'm excited for you to see them.

... Notice how I said "winners" plural? Weird. 

I also thought it would be a fun idea to do a little "prompt" game where people share a title or a single sentence set-up and I turn them into minicaps to empty my reservoir of images I like but don't have specific ideas for, but I'm not sure how to do it yet, if it's a fun idea you might be interested in let me know though and we can figure something out.

Friday, February 7, 2025

SHEZAM! pt. 14

 Wow! I wasn't expecting such a response to the poll. One week left! So make sure to vote for what caption you would like to see get a sequel! A lot of people commented their votes as well, so I'll add those to the votes in the poll. It's really close between Hawkeye Vs. Hot Guy and 63 Jump Street right now! 

