Well, we have a winner. I was just going to make a post simply announcing the winner of the sequel poll to give myself some time to work on it. But I was looking for images to use, saw this, and the story kind of came out immediately. So here it is!
There's a LookALike caption with Hailee coming up, so I thought it would be weird to have two captions about someone who looks a lot like Hailee Steinfeld without acknowledging it. So this is Lookalike adjacent now, and that caption will be Jocelyn's cousin!
But, I felt like the competition was close enough that I thought 63 Jump Street deserved some love too, so that will be getting a sequel soon too. Thank you to everyone who voted! It's fun to get feedback and I can't guarantee the other captions will get sequels, but I'll keep them in mind now that I know what there's a demand for! Personally, I threw a vote to RBF when the poll went up and that ended up last place. 😶