Thursday, January 9, 2020

Hormonal Imbalance Buddies

This was hard to make and include the backstory, but these are two friends who bought drugs to party but a chemical in them reversed their hormones and forced them to develop as women. This is a conversation they had! 

I mentioned tattoos but couldn't find a picture of a guy with tattoos when it came tim to put the picture in so project some imaginary tattoos upon the stud.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Brand New Bag (Sequel)

Actually had a few requests to do a sequel to this one. Thought it was a sappy/fun little idea. Maybe in a little while we can pick up with Cayleigh again!

Original Below:

Laundry Day + Bonus

So Cyril's wonderful self went to the trouble of turning the GIF I had trouble into a caption. I'm very grateful and dumb for not posting it earlier! Here are a couple quick  bonus ones!